


LaTasha McDowell Inc.

Hearing Profile



Orlando, Florida

I got my new job thanks to using Ava.

About Damis

Damis is fully Deaf and used Ava during a job interview. You can learn about the full story below:

Video Transcripts

Hello, I’m Damis. I’m fully deaf. This is about Ava, communicating with hearing people generally. This really helps deaf people: Ava app

Since day 1, I saw this app, downloaded it, and tried it with a friend who talks to see what he was saying and I could see the text scrolling up and then, you know, at a job interview, doctor's appointment things happening at the last minute where there's no interpreters where I would have to reschedule appointments for interpreters.

This allows you right now for "emergency" to bring up Ava for job interview, doctor's appointment, anything!

They talk, I read.

After we’re finished, you can save, comment and share with others. And since I’ve been using this app for job interviews only, not for other things. Last minute, I was called for a job interview with the supervisor, HR, and manager. They were very interested and impressed by the app.

I had many interviews I really appreciate it. That’s how I got a job hire. I’m happy so I’m impressed and share this to say the team is really wonderful.

Thank you to Ava and I strongly recommend all you who are deaf to use this Ava which can help you with interviews, one-on-one or group, or lecture. Make sure you have good wifi and good signal.

It won’t help with slow wifi. It really has helped great so far. Thank you for watching me talk about Ava.

Everything’s great!