Ava Scribe

Professional-Grade Captions

Unlike traditional CART captions or common speech-to-text apps, Ava combines AI with professional captioners (Scribes) to deliver the highest quality captions at the best price.
Work meeting at office being captioned
Trusted by leading inclusive organizations
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Ava captions meetings,
perfectly with a Scribe

Unrivaled Real-Time Captions

Ava Scribe is recommended for important conversations for the business or employee—and to set up your organization properly to meet ADA requirements.

• Company-wide updates
• Internal team meetings
• External meetings with clients
• Performance reviews
• Candidate interviews

Ava Scribe

Unrivaled Real-Time Captions

Ava Scribe is recommended for key conversations between instructor and student, as well as academic decision making with student advisors to meet ADA requirements.

• In-person classroom instruction
• Videoconferencing classroom instruction
• Office hours
• Career counseling
• Tutoring

Unrivaled Real-Time Captions

Use Ava Scribe when accessible, understandable and accurate information from a medical professional is critical to health outcomes.

• In-person or telehealth visits when key diagnostic information will be presented or discussed
• Treatments where information about potential reactions or side effects are critical
• Surgeries where pre- and after-care instructions or crucial to a patient's health

Unrivaled Real-Time Captions

Ava Scribe is an essential service at conferences where participants will learn and communicate—and need near-perfect captions.

• Keynote addresses
• Sessions with large attendance
• Sessions that will be republished later
• Any session with Deaf or hard-of-hearing attendees

The Scribe Advantage

While Ava Pro uses artificial intelligence to caption conversations better than most automated speech recognition technologies, only humans will understand the nuances and contexts of conversations.

Ava Scribe combines the power of our best-in-class AI technology with fully trained professional Scribes—giving you blazingly fast real-time captions with maximum accuracy at 99%+.

Quick scheduling
99+% accuracy
Cost savings

What Users Are Saying About Scribe

"Scribe makes captions more accurate. It's non-intrusive compared with CART—and the scheduling is pretty easy and straightforward."
Sioux Falls, SD
User Name
Job Title
"I like that Scribe gives me flexibility, autonomy and access in online and in-person conversations, one-on-one and in small groups"
Naperville, IL
User name
Job Title

Getting Started

To try out the speed and accuracy of Ava Scribe for free, you will need to be on a Professional Plan (Starter, Pro, or Enterprise). Set up a time to experience Scribe.

Try Ava Scribe for Free!

Reserving an Ava Scribe

Once you or your organization have purchased Scribe time, click the button below to make a reservation (available 9am to 5pm across the U.S.). Or learn how to request a Scribe from your Ava App on your mobile device or Ava Web or CC on your computer.

Learn More