How to Sign “Toast” in Sign Language

Did you know toasting bread dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was used as a way to preserve bread. The word "toast" comes from the Latin "tostum," meaning to scorch or burn, reflecting the method of browning bread over an open fire.

Signing “Toast”

  1. Hand shape: Start with your dominant hand in a “bent-2” handshape. Form your non-dominant hand into a “closed-5” handshape, facing your dominant direction.
  2. Hand location: Bring your hands in front of your body at about chest level.
  3. Movement: Start by taping your dominant fingers onto the backside of your non-dominant hand, then tap them on the palm of your non-dominant hand.
  4. Facial expression: Keep a neutral facial expression.

Learn how to sign other food items!

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