How to Sign "Can we just skip to happy hour?" in Sign Language

Now, that's something we can all agree on! If you want to be the person that leads the team to happiness, this is the sign for you!

Signing "Can we just skip to happy hour?"

  1. Signing “Go Ahead:” Form both hands into "closed 5" handshapes and start with your hands in front of your stomach and palms facing your body. Move both hands forward slightly in one swift movement.
  2. Signing “Skip:" Form your dominant hand into a "bent V" handshape and start with your hands in front of your torso, palm facing down. In one swift movement, emulate a "jump" with your hand.
  3. Signing “Happy:" Form your dominant hand in an “open 5” handshape. Move your hand in an upward, sweeping motion against your chest.
  4. Signing "Hour:" Form your non-dominant hand into a "closed 5" handshape and raise to about torso level, palm facing your dominant direction. Form your dominant hand into a "1" handshape and place against your non-dominant hand. Move your dominant hand in a circular motion, representing the hands on a clock moving 60 minutes.


Just as you would when saying this (we hope), use your best judgment when signing this. Make sure it's an appropriate time and that you're not disrespecting anyone!

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